An Official Plan provides policy direction on how land in the community should be used by upper-tier, lower-tier, and single tier municipalities.
As an upper-tier municipality, Dufferin County is responsible for managing growth and providing guidance on land use planning for the County’s eight lower-tier municipalities.
Dufferin County is expected to grow to approximately 100,700 people and 41,900 jobs by 2051. This represents an increase in 23,965 people and 8,546 jobs according to the Provincial Policy Statement, 2024. In order to plan and accommodate this growth we are currently reviewing and updating our Official Plan through a process called a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR).
Details on the County MCR process and the in-effect County Official Plan, as well as helpful additional resources and information, can be found below.
County Municipal Comprehensive Review
To address the predicted growth in population, Dufferin County is working on the MCR – a series of studies that will influence Dufferin’s Official Plan and shape the growth of Dufferin County for the next 30 years.
The MCR was completed as a phased approach. Over the course of the review, three Official Plan Amendments were submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. To view the submissions to the Province, please use the links below. Should further information on the MCR process be required, please visit the JoinIn Dufferin page that can be accessed here.