Dufferin County is one of the designated communities where the Federal Government has made a commitment to maintain annual funding for housing and homelessness through Reaching Home (RH).
RH funds are invested in projects that support the community priorities identified in the plan.
Dufferin County is served by a Community Advisory Board (CAB). This steering committee is made up of a range of partners from the public, not-for-profit and private sectors. These partners work together to develop plans for ending homelessness in Dufferin County. The Community Plan priority is: “To reduce homelessness through a Housing First approach.”
Housing First focuses on moving people who are experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness, as rapidly as possible from the street or emergency shelter into permanent housing, with supports that vary according to client need.
In 2016, the CAB voted to join the 20,000 Homes campaign and have since conducted 2 homelessness counts in Dufferin County.
Reports and Resources:
- Community Plan 2019 – 2024
- 20,000 Homes Dufferin Results Report
- Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
- 2021 Point-in-Time Count
- Community Homelessness Report 2019-2021
- Community Homelessness Report 2021-2022
- Community Homelessness Report 2022-2023
- Community Homelessness Report 2023-2024
- Built For Zero-Canada Progress Report

The County of Dufferin is implementing Coordinated Access. Coordinated Access (CA) is a way for communities to design, streamline, and bring consistency to the process by which people experiencing homelessness access housing and services. Coordinated Access uses a By-Name List which is a real-time list of all people experiencing homelessness in our community.
If you are experiencing Homelessness, please contact the County of Dufferin at 519-941-6991 ext. 2110