Yard Waste Season Begins!
Yard waste is collected seasonally between April and November. As the beginning of yard waste season approaches, here are some tips to ensure you’re ready for collection!
Know your collection route!
Week A: Orangeville – Begins the week of April 7th.
Week B: Urban Areas of Grand Valley, Shelburne & Rural Subdivisions – Begins the week of April 14th. Not sure if you live in a rural subdivision? Click here for a list of neighbourhoods.
Rural Areas – Begins the week of April 7th. Yard waste is collected on a monthly call-in basis. To be added to the list, contact GFL at 1-888-941-3345 ext.1 one week in advance of the scheduled collection each month.
You can also check out the Yard Waste Collection Map to determine your route. For Weeks A & B, collection starts on Monday at 7 am and continues throughout the week until the area is completed. Please note that your yard waste collection may not be the same day as your regular collection day.
Only include acceptable items!
- Fallen fruit from trees
- Grass clippings
- Hedge trimmings
- Leaves
- Tree prunings (sticks, twigs and small branches)
- Weeds
- Yard and house plants (no soil)
- Yard and garden trimmings
Bags or Bins?
Place yard waste in paper bags, open labeled containers or bundles. Dufferin Waste also provides yellow yard waste stickers for personal containers. Contact us at 519-941-2816 ext. 2620 or email dufferinwaste@dufferincounty.ca.
At the Curb
Up to 20 bags/containers/bundles can be placed out for each collection. Plastic bags are not permitted.
Each bag/container should not exceed 125 litres (33 gallons), 20 kilograms (44 pounds). Bundles should not exceed 1.25 metres (4 feet). Secure bundles with twine.
Mow It, Then Leave It!
Did you know grass clippings help nourish your lawn? Grass clippings are made up of 80-90 percent water and decompose quickly, allowing the soil to receive nutrients, such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. This helps avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers. Grasscycle this season for healthier grass, plus less raking and bagging!
Properly Dispose of Noxious Weeds
Noxious weeds (ex. Giant hogweed, wild parsnip, garlic mustard, etc.) are not accepted in the County’s Green Bin or Yard Waste collection programs and should be handled with care. Noxious weeds are considered garbage, and have additional rules for disposal:
- Material must be double-bagged in clear garbage bags
- Once bagged, please leave bags in the sun for at least a week
- After a week, set it out for curbside collection or take it to the GFL Transfer Station (see below).
For Curbside Collection: Any bags of noxious weeds that exceed the one bag limit will require a garbage bag tag. Garbage tags cost $2. Click here for a complete list of vendors. For safety reasons, please notify GFL prior to collection: 1-888-941-3345 ext.1.
Drop -off at GFL Transfer Station: A per bag disposal charge will apply. Please call the GFL Transfer Station (519-943-0101) to notify them of the disposal. Residents are asked to bring the material first thing in the morning. The GFL Transfer Station is located at 473051 County Road 11, Orangeville.