Recreational use of the Dufferin County Forest is governed by the outdoor recreation plan and Dufferin County By-Law 2017-39.
The purpose of the policy and the by-law is to protect the environmental integrity of the Dufferin County Forest and to manage public use of the Forest through the regulation of certain activities.
County Forest Do's
- Non-motorized recreation such as hiking, mountain biking, cross country skiing, and horseback riding.
- Obey all signs, including those designating trail uses.
- Snowmobiling in the Dufferin County Forest is permitted only on designated and signed trails that are part of the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) network. All of the rules that apply to OFSC trails anywhere in Ontario apply to the trails in the Dufferin County Forest. Check trail status here.
- What you carry in, please carry out.
- Dogs must be under control or on-leash at all times within the Dufferin County Forest.
- Remember your emergency number! Each entrance to the County Forest is posted with a six digit “address” on a green sign. Remember this number for emergencies.
- In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.
- If you wish to hold a recreational event, please contact the County Forest Manager to find out if your date is available prior to completing a County Forest Event Permit Application.
- Enjoy your visit to the Dufferin County Forest!
County Forest Don'ts
- No motorized vehicles except snowmobiles on designated Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs trails.
- No campfires.
- No camping.
- No littering or dumping.
- No hunting allowed in any Dufferin County Forest tract between June 1 and September 30. A forest use permit is required for hunting at all other times. For more information, click here.
- Unless you have a valid ticket from the Mansfield Outdoor Centre, do not use groomed/track-set cross-country ski trails leased to the Centre from December 1 to March 31.
Help Prevent the Spread of Invasive Plants
Use of recreational trails can be a lot of fun, but also has the potential to spread invasive plants and their seeds. Studies have shown that trails act as a pathway for spread of invasive plant species. Invasive plant seeds can cling to clothing, boots, pets, horses, and vehicles like mountain bikes and be spread along trails. Also, going off trail can create disturbances which can create places for invasive plants to become established.

What You Can Do
- Stay on the path: When you venture off the path you risk picking up plant seeds and creating disturbed areas where invasive species can easily establish.
- Clean your gear: Check all your gear at the end of your adventure for plant material, and clean it off before leaving the trailhead.
- Groom your pet: Inspect your pet after a walk and wash off any mud that might be carrying invasive plant seeds.
- Report all invaders: Take a photo and report any sightings of invasive species to the Invading Species Hotline at 1-800-563-7711 or visit EDDMapS
- Spread the word: Motivate your friends and family to take action by sharing information about invasive species, and the implications an invasion would have on our environment and economy!
New Routes: Dufferin County Outdoor Recreation Plan
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County Council approved the outdoor recreation plan at its meeting on October 13, 2022.
If you wish to be added to our email notification list so you can keep up to date on County Forest news, click here to sign up. For more information, contact the County Forest Manager at 519-941-1114 ext. 4011 or c/o Museum of Dufferin, 936029 Airport Road, Mulmur, ON L9V 0L3.
Event Permit Application
Complete this application to be issued a County Forest Event Permit.
Applications must be submitted at least 90 days prior to the event. Once submitted, you will receive confirmation of receipt. Applications will be reviewed by the Clerk’s Office and the County Forest Manager. You will be contacted regarding your permit status within 30 days.
Once issued, the County Forest Event Permit must be available for viewing at all times during the event.
Please note that acceptance of your application is in no way approval or confirmation of your request.
In addition to the application form, the following documentation is required:
- Proof of insurance in the minimum amount of $5,000,000 liability showing the Corporation of the County of Dufferin as an additional insured and including a provision for cross liability for insurance against all damages or claims for damages or liability
- An event description
- An event route map
You will be asked to attach these documents electronically to your application form.
NOTE: Your event description must be approved by the County prior to being used to promote the event.
Fee Schedule (as per By-Law 2025-02, Schedule C):
Application Fee: $50.00
Per Person Event Fee: $2/person attending the event (inclusive of HST)
Application fee is due upon permit approval. Permits will be issued following payment of fee. Per person event fee is due following the event.
Fees may be paid by the following methods:
- At the Museum of Dufferin (936029 Airport Road, Mulmur) – exact cash, cheque (payable to Dufferin County), debit card, credit card
- Edelbrock Centre (30 Centre St, Orangeville) – exact cash, cheque (payable to Dufferin County), debit card, credit card
- Online by credit card – visit and click on “Catalog” above the picture, choose County Forest Event Permit Application and add it to the cart. Please note, if you are paying a per person fee at the same time, you can then choose continue shopping to add the County Forest Event Per Person Fee, enter in the quantity as the number of participants then click Add to Cart. A side panel will open again from the left and you can click “Check Out”. You will be taken to the secure payment site to enter your payment information. HST will be added. Click “Pay Now” at the bottom of the screen.
If several events are substantially the same, you may submit one application form listing all event dates. However, separate application and per person event fees will still be required for each event. An event can extend over only one Friday – Monday period. Consecutive events by the same group will not be permitted.
The personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Act and will be used to process requests for County Forest event permits. Questions about this collection should be directed to the County Forest Manager at 519-941-2816 ext. 4011.