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About Dufferin Housing

Dufferin County Housing offers housing units in Orangeville, Shelburne, and Grand Valley.

Rent Geared to Income (RGI) Units

Affordable Rent Units

Market Rent Units

Rent Supplement Units

Supportive Housing

Portable Housing Benefit

Co-op Housing

Non-Profit Housing

Apply For Housing

Dufferin County Housing Continuum Video

Information on Housing Units

301 First Avenue East, Shelburne (Dynes-Gray Apartments)

22 Third Avenue, Orangeville

40 Lawrence Avenue, Orangeville

207 William Street, Shelburne

56 Bythia Street, Orangeville

227 William Street, Shelburne

71 Emma Street South, Grand Valley (Riverview Apartments)

43 Bythia Street, Orangeville (Horizon Court)

250 Simon Street, Shelburne

54 Lawrence Avenue, Orangeville

Credit River Non-Profit Housing Corporation, Orangeville

Dufferin Gardens Co-op, Orangeville

HiWhois Assistance Group, Orangeville

Lavender Lane Co-op, Orangeville

Shaw’s Creek Co-op, Orangeville

Fiddleville Non-Profit Housing Corporation, Shelburne

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