As of January 1, 2025, the Township of Amaranth will be providing building services directly to their residents. For information regarding properties in Amaranth, including compliance letter requests, please contact Township of Amaranth directly.
Requesting Property Information
A property owner or authorized agent can obtain property information by sending an email to Please include a detailed description of the information you are requesting as well as your property information (including civic address, assessment roll number, legal description, names on title, etc.). We will require proof of ownership and/or agent authorization. There is a $100.00 (plus HST) fee per hour for search time. There are additional photocopying fees for hardcopies.
A few things to keep in mind:
- The Ontario Building Code came into effect in 1975 and Dufferin County Building Services took over septic records from Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health in 1997. We may not have any records if your home is older than either of those dates but we will still be happy to check for you!
- For access to some records, you may need to file a Freedom of Information request. Our staff will advise you if this is the case.
- If you are looking for information regarding your well, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks at 1-888-396-9355 or visit their website.
- Land registration services (eg. legal survey) for the general public are only available online through ONLAND.
- If you have questions regarding severances, please reach out to your local Town/Township.
Compliance Letters
Compliance letter requests must be submitted in writing, typically by your lawyer, via mail or email ( and accompanied by the appropriate fee.
The fee for a compliance letter is $100 per land parcel and the fee for a septic records search is $100 per land parcel. Dufferin County will respond to your request within 5 business days.
The fees can be paid online on our Online Payments portal linked below.
NOTE: We cannot process rush requests at this time.

If you are interested in severing a portion of your property, please contact your local Town or Township to inquire about their process.
Dufferin County supports the local municipalities by completing a lot suitability inspection that may be required as part of your severance agreement. Please fill out the application linked below and submit it to the County by e-mail to along with a copy of your severance proposal from the Town/Township.
The fee for a lot suitability inspection is $235.00. Dufferin County will complete the inspection within 5 business days once all documents have been received along with the fee.