How to Apply for a Permit
Application Process
The building permit application process for residents of Dufferin County is now electronic! All applications are required to be submitted through our online Portal system.
Visit the Portal and create your profile – please click here to get started. This step only takes a few minutes! After registration, you will receive an email from containing a link to verify and to activate your account (don’t forget to check your junk mail folder!)
Ensure you have all the documentation required for your permit application. Checklists can be found below to help in this process. If you have additional questions, please reach out to Building Division staff prior to submitting your application. Remember that incomplete application packages will not be reviewed. *Ensure you have checked with your local municipality prior to applying to check if any extra documentation is required for the Municipal Approval Review*
Log in to your Portal account here and click on Apply for a Building Permit. The Portal will guide you through the application steps, and you will upload your files at the end.
Applications will be reviewed by staff from your local municipality to ensure that construction complies with all applicable law, and by a County Building Official to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code.
If everything is approved, you will be notified to pay the permit fees through the Portal. Once we receive payment, your permit will be issued. You will be required to print out your permit job card and the stamped approved plans.
As soon as the permit is issued, you’re ready to start construction!
For information on the Municipal Approval process, click on your municipality below.
Step One: Zoning Information and Applicable Law
Visit the Township Planning Map to determine the zoning information for your property or contact the Township at 519-941-1007 or
Consult the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to determine permitted uses, setbacks, and lot coverage information.
If the property is regulated by a Conservation Authority and/or the Niagara Escarpment Commission, either an approval or exemption is required for your project prior to receiving a building permit. Contact information is listed below.
Phone: 905-670-1615
Grand River Conservation Authority
Phone: 519-621-2761
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Phone: 705-424-1479
Step Two: Building Permit Requirements
The applicable requirements will vary based on the type of project being proposed. Please review the County checklists to ensure you are putting a complete application package together.
Step Three: Register for a CityView Portal Account
Please visit the CityView Portal to register for an account. Once registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this email to come through and check your junk folder if you don’t see it. The CityView Portal will allow you to upload your documents, submit your application, follow up on the progress, pay fees, and retrieve your permit documents.
Step Four: Apply for a Permit Through CityView
Upload all documents required for your building permit application based on the County’s checklists noted in Step Two. Include the following for the Township review when applicable:
- Public Works Entrance/Road Occupancy Permit Application. Please note that if your property is located on a County Road, you will need to apply for these permits through Dufferin County.
- A site alteration agreement may be required if you are bringing in fill/material outside of that required for backfilling. Please visit the Township of Amaranth’s website for more information and to review By-law 65-2009 – Site Alternation Office Consolidation with Amendments 28-2014 and 44-2017
The site plan should include:
- North arrow and address
- Property lines and distances to existing and proposed structures
- Dimensions, including height, and location of all existing and proposed structures
- Location of existing and proposed entrance/driveway/roadways
- Location of all existing and proposed utilities, including septic location
- Location of all existing and proposed landscape elements
Note: Incomplete permit applications will not be reviewed. An Incomplete Application Notice outlining missing details will be emailed to the applicant. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please contact the Township or County prior to making your submission.
Step Five: Application Review
Both the Township and the County will review your application. The Township will ensure the proposed project complies with their Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The County is looking to ensure that the proposed construction meets the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code.
If there are details missing, you will receive a deficiency notice outlining additional requirements once all reviews are complete. Users will not be able to upload corrected information until all reviews are complete and the deficiency letter is sent (application status will change to Returned for Correction). Users are encouraged to wait until they have all required documentation prior to re-submitting. Once new items are submitted, the system enter back into the review cycle and will not accept any additional documents until the reviews are complete.
If the reviews are approved, the County admin team will verify that the system has brought in the correct fees. You will then receive an email indicating the fees that are owing.
Note: You can follow along with your application status through the Portal. When you log in, click on My Items and open up the permit application. Under the Reviews tab, you will see the status of each review. If a review has failed, you will see the corrections noted prior to receiving the deficiency notice. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step Six: Fees
Fees are collected by both the Township and Dufferin County. Please review the information below for more details, including payment methods.
Paid via CityView Portal:
- County Permit Fees. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
- There is no Township Municipal Approval fee.
Paid Directly to Township of Amaranth:
- Public Works Entrance Permit and/or Road Occupancy Permit. Payable by cash or cheque at the Township Office.
- Township Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to the Township of Amaranth.
Paid Directly to Dufferin County:
- County Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
- Education Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
Step Seven: Permit Issuance
Once the reviews are approved and the fees are paid, the County admin team will issue your permit. You can then print your permit job card and approved drawings from the Portal.
Note: Printed copies of the approved drawings are required onsite throughout the construction project as per the Ontario Building Code. If the printed approved plans are not available onsite during an inspection, the inspection will be given a “failed” outcome and will need to be rescheduled. Click here for Portal guidance.
We are here to help! Should you have questions at any time during this process, please reach out to the appropriate party:
Zoning questions? Contact the Township of Amaranth at 519-941-1007 or
Municipal Approval Review questions? Contact the Township of Amaranth at 519-941-1007 or
Building Code or CityView Portal questions? Contact Dufferin County at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or
Application Status questions? Please first check your Poral account to see which reviews are still pending – this will indicate whether you need to contact the Township or Dufferin County. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step One: Zoning Information and Applicable Law
Visit the Township Zoning Maps or Official Plan Designation Maps to determine the zoning information for your property or contact the Township by completing their Land Use Inquiry Form.
Consult the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to determine permitted uses, setbacks, and lot coverage information.
If the property is regulated by a Conservation Authority and/or the Niagara Escarpment Commission, either an approval or exemption is required for your project prior to receiving a building permit. Contact information is listed below.
Phone: 905-670-1615
Grand River Conservation Authority
Phone: 519-621-2761
Step Two: Building Permit Requirements
The applicable requirements will vary based on the type of project being proposed. Please review the County checklists to ensure you are putting a complete application package together.
Step Three: Register for a CityView Portal Account
Please visit the CityView Portal to register for an account. Once registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this email to come through and check your junk folder if you don’t see it. The CityView Portal will allow you to upload your documents, submit your application, follow up on the progress, pay fees, and retrieve your permit documents.
Step Four: Apply for a Permit Through CityView
Upload all documents required for your building permit application based on the County’s checklists noted in Step Two. Include the following for the Township review when applicable:
- Public Works Entrance/Road Occupancy Permit Application. Please note that if your property is located on a County Road, you will need to apply for these permits through Dufferin County.
The site plan should include:
- North arrow and address
- Property lines and distances to existing and proposed structures
- Dimensions, including height, and location of all existing and proposed structures
- Location of existing and proposed entrance/driveway/roadways
- Location of all existing and proposed utilities, including septic location
- Location of all existing and proposed landscape elements
Note: Incomplete permit applications will not be reviewed. An Incomplete Application Notice outlining missing details will be emailed to the applicant. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please contact the Township or County prior to making your submission.
Step Five: Application Review
Both the Township and the County will review your application. The Township will ensure the proposed project complies with their Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The County is looking to ensure that the proposed construction meets the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code.
If there are details missing, you will receive a deficiency notice outlining additional requirements once all reviews are complete. Users will not be able to upload corrected information until all reviews are complete and the deficiency letter is sent (application status will change to Returned for Correction). Users are encouraged to wait until they have all required documentation prior to re-submitting. Once new items are submitted, the system enter back into the review cycle and will not accept any additional documents until the reviews are complete.
If the reviews are approved, the County admin team will verify that the system has brought in the correct fees. You will then receive an email indicating the fees that are owing.
Note: You can follow along with your application status through the Portal. When you log in, click on My Items and open up the permit application. Under the Reviews tab, you will see the status of each review. If a review has failed, you will see the corrections noted prior to receiving the deficiency notice. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step Six: Fees
Fees are collected by both the Township and Dufferin County. Please review the information below for more details, including payment methods.
Paid via CityView Portal:
- County Permit Fees. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
- Township Municipal Approval fee of $200. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
Paid Directly to Township of East Garafraxa:
- Public Works Entrance Permit and/or Road Occupancy Permit. Payment must be made by cheque payable to the Township of East Garafraxa or by debit at the Township Office.
- Township Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to the Township of East Garafraxa or by debit at the Township Office.
Paid Directly to Dufferin County:
- County Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
- Education Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
Step Seven: Permit Issuance
Once the reviews are approved and the fees are paid, the County admin team will issue your permit. You can then print your permit job card and approved drawings from the Portal.
Note: Printed copies of the approved drawings are required onsite throughout the construction project as per the Ontario Building Code. If the printed approved plans are not available onsite during an inspection, the inspection will be given a “failed” outcome and will need to be rescheduled. Click here for Portal guidance.
We are here to help! Should you have questions at any time during this process, please reach out to the appropriate party:
Zoning questions? Complete the Township of East Garafraxa’s Land Use Inquiry Form
Municipal Approval Review questions? Contact the Township of East Garafraxa at 226-259-9400
Building Code or CityView Portal questions? Contact Dufferin County at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or
Application Status questions? Please first check your Poral account to see which reviews are still pending – this will indicate whether you need to contact the Township or Dufferin County. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step One: Zoning Information and Applicable Law
Visit the Town Planning Map to determine the zoning information for your property or contact the Town Planner, at 519-928-5652 or
Consult the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to determine permitted uses, setbacks, and lot coverage information.
If the property is regulated by a Conservation Authority and/or the Niagara Escarpment Commission, either an approval or exemption is required for your project prior to receiving a building permit. Contact information is listed below.
Grand River Conservation Authority
Phone: 519-621-2761
Step Two: Building Permit Requirements
The applicable requirements will vary based on the type of project being proposed. Please review the County checklists to ensure you are putting a complete application package together.
Step Three: Register for a CityView Portal Account
Please visit the CityView Portal to register for an account. Once registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this email to come through and check your junk folder if you don’t see it. The CityView Portal will allow you to upload your documents, submit your application, follow up on the progress, pay fees, and retrieve your permit documents.
Step Four: Apply for a Permit Through CityView
Upload all documents required for your building permit application based on the County’s checklists noted in Step Two. Include the following for the Town review when applicable:
- Public Works Entrance/Road Occupancy Permit Application. Please note that if your property is located on a County Road, you will need to apply for these permits through Dufferin County.
The site plan should include:
- North arrow and address
- Property lines and distances to existing and proposed structures
- Dimensions, including height, and location of all existing and proposed structures
- Location of existing and proposed entrance/driveway/roadways
- Location of all existing and proposed utilities, including septic location
- Location of all existing and proposed landscape elements
Note: Incomplete permit applications will not be reviewed. An Incomplete Application Notice outlining missing details will be emailed to the applicant. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please contact the Town or County prior to making your submission.
Step Five: Application Review
Both the Town and the County will review your application. The Town will ensure the proposed project complies with their Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The County is looking to ensure that the proposed construction meets the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code.
If there are details missing, you will receive a deficiency notice outlining additional requirements once all reviews are complete. Users will not be able to upload corrected information until all reviews are complete and the deficiency letter is sent (application status will change to Returned for Correction). Users are encouraged to wait until they have all required documentation prior to re-submitting. Once new items are submitted, the system enter back into the review cycle and will not accept any additional documents until the reviews are complete.
If the reviews are approved, the County admin team will verify that the system has brought in the correct fees. You will then receive an email indicating the fees that are owing.
Note: You can follow along with your application status through the Portal. When you log in, click on My Items and open up the permit application. Under the Reviews tab, you will see the status of each review. If a review has failed, you will see the corrections noted prior to receiving the deficiency notice. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step Six: Fees
Fees are collected by both the Town and Dufferin County. Please review the information below for more details, including payment methods.
Paid via CityView Portal:
- County Permit Fees. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
- Town Municipal Approval Fee of $125. The Portal and The Town of Grand Valley accepts either VISA or MasterCard. The Town also accepts cheque or cash payments.
Paid Directly to Town of Grand Valley:
- Public Works Entrance Permit and/or Road Occupancy Permit. Payable by cash or cheque at the Town Office.
- Town Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to the Town of Grand Valley.
Paid Directly to Dufferin County:
- County Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
- Education Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
Step Seven: Permit Issuance
Once the reviews are approved and the fees are paid, the County admin team will issue your permit. You can then print your permit job card and approved drawings from the Portal.
Note: Printed copies of the approved drawings are required onsite throughout the construction project as per the Ontario Building Code. If the printed approved plans are not available onsite during an inspection, the inspection will be given a “failed” outcome and will need to be rescheduled. Click here for Portal guidance.
We are here to help! Should you have questions at any time during this process, please reach out to the appropriate party:
Zoning or Municipal Approval Review questions? Contact the Town of Grand Valley at 519-928-5652 or
Building Code or CityView Portal questions? Contact Dufferin County at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or
Application Status questions? Please first check your Poral account to see which reviews are still pending – this will indicate whether you need to contact the Town or Dufferin County. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step One: Zoning Information and Applicable Law
Contact the Township at 519-925-5525 or to determine the zoning information for your property.
Consult the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to determine permitted uses, setbacks, and lot coverage information.
If the property is regulated by a Conservation Authority and/or the Niagara Escarpment Commission, either an approval or exemption is required for your project prior to receiving a building permit. Contact information is listed below.
Grand River Conservation Authority
Phone: 519-621-2761
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Phone: 705-424-1479
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority
Phone: 519-367-3040
Phone: 519-371-1001
Township staff will advise if you require a permit from them.
Step Two: Building Permit Requirements
The applicable requirements will vary based on the type of project being proposed. Please review the County checklists to ensure you are putting a complete application package together.
Step Three: Register for a CityView Portal Account
Please visit the CityView Portal to register for an account. Once registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this email to come through and check your junk folder if you don’t see it. The CityView Portal will allow you to upload your documents, submit your application, follow up on the progress, pay fees, and retrieve your permit documents.
Step Four: Apply for a Permit Through CityView
Upload all documents required for your building permit application based on the County’s checklists noted in Step Two. Include the following for the Township review when applicable:
- Public Works Entrance or Road Occupancy Permit Application. Please note that if your property is located on a County Road, you will need to apply for these permits through Dufferin County.
The site plan should include:
- North arrow and address
- Property lines and distances to existing and proposed structures
- Dimensions, including height, and location of all existing and proposed structures
- Location of existing and proposed entrance/driveway/roadways
- Location of all existing and proposed utilities, including septic location
- Location of all existing and proposed landscape elements
Note: Incomplete permit applications will not be reviewed. An Incomplete Application Notice outlining missing details will be emailed to the applicant. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please contact the Township or County prior to making your submission.
Step Five: Application Review
Both the Township and the County will review your application. The Township will ensure the proposed project complies with their Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The County is looking to ensure that the proposed construction meets the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code.
If there are details missing, you will receive a deficiency notice outlining additional requirements once all reviews are complete. Users will not be able to upload corrected information until all reviews are complete and the deficiency letter is sent (application status will change to Returned for Correction). Users are encouraged to wait until they have all required documentation prior to re-submitting. Once new items are submitted, the system enter back into the review cycle and will not accept any additional documents until the reviews are complete.
If the reviews are approved, the County admin team will verify that the system has brought in the correct fees. You will then receive an email indicating the fees that are owing.
Note: You can follow along with your application status through the Portal. When you log in, click on My Items and open up the permit application. Under the Reviews tab, you will see the status of each review. If a review has failed, you will see the corrections noted prior to receiving the deficiency notice. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step Six: Fees
Fees are collected by both the Township and Dufferin County. Please review the information below for more details, including payment methods.
Paid via CityView Portal:
- County Permit Fees. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
- Township Municipal Approval Fee. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard. The Township accepts cash, cheque, debit, or online payment.
Paid Directly to Township of Melancthon:
- Public Works Entrance Permit and/or Road Occupancy Permit. The Township accepts cash, cheque, debit, or online payment.
- Township Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to the Township of Melancthon.
Paid Directly to Dufferin County:
- County Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
- Education Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
Step Seven: Permit Issuance
Once the reviews are approved and the fees are paid, the County admin team will issue your permit. You can then print your permit job card and approved drawings from the Portal.
Note: Printed copies of the approved drawings are required onsite throughout the construction project as per the Ontario Building Code. If the printed approved plans are not available onsite during an inspection, the inspection will be given a “failed” outcome and will need to be rescheduled. Click here for Portal guidance.
We are here to help! Should you have questions at any time during this process, please reach out to the appropriate party:
Zoning and Municipal Approval Review questions? Contact the Township of Melancthon at 519-925-5525 or
Building Code or CityView Portal questions? Contact Dufferin County at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or
Application Status questions? Please first check your Poral account to see which reviews are still pending – this will indicate whether you need to contact the Township or Dufferin County. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step One: Zoning Information and Applicable Law
Visit the Town Planning Map to determine the zoning information for your property or contact the Town at 519-941-3599 ext. 224 or
Consult the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to determine permitted uses, setbacks, and lot coverage information.
If the property is regulated by a Conservation Authority and/or the Niagara Escarpment Commission, either an approval or exemption is required for your project prior to receiving a building permit. Contact information is listed below.
Phone: 905-670-1615
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Phone: 705-424-1479
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Phone: 416-661-6688 or 416-661-6600 ext. 6447
Email: planning&
Phone: 519-371-1001
Consult the Town’s Development Permit Process for more information.
Step Two: Building Permit Requirements
The applicable requirements will vary based on the type of project being proposed. Please review the County checklists to ensure you are putting a complete application package together.
Step Three: Register for a CityView Portal Account
Please visit the CityView Portal to register for an account. Once registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this email to come through and check your junk folder if you don’t see it. The CityView Portal will allow you to upload your documents, submit your application, follow up on the progress, pay fees, and retrieve your permit documents.
Step Four: Apply for a Permit Through CityView
Upload all documents required for your building permit application based on the County’s checklists noted in Step Two. Include the following for the Town review when applicable:
- Municipal Approval Application
- Public Works Entrance/Road Occupancy Permit Application. Please note that if your property is located on a County Road, you will need to apply for these permits through Dufferin County.
The site plan should include:
- North arrow and address
- Property lines and distances to existing and proposed structures
- Dimensions, including height, and location of all existing and proposed structures
- Location of existing and proposed entrance/driveway/roadways
- Location of all existing and proposed utilities, including septic location
- Location of all existing and proposed landscape elements
- If the property is zoned Suburban Residential, a grading review may be required (fee $250). Please include existing and proposed grades.
- If possible, include a Zoning Chart showing required and provided setbacks and lot coverage.
Note: Incomplete permit applications will not be reviewed. An Incomplete Application Notice outlining missing details will be emailed to the applicant. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please contact the Town or County prior to making your submission.
Step Five: Application Review
Both the Town and the County will review your application. The Town will ensure the proposed project complies with their Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The County is looking to ensure that the proposed construction meets the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code.
If there are details missing, you will receive a deficiency notice outlining additional requirements once all reviews are complete. Users will not be able to upload corrected information until all reviews are complete and the deficiency letter is sent (application status will change to Returned for Correction). Users are encouraged to wait until they have all required documentation prior to re-submitting. Once new items are submitted, the system enter back into the review cycle and will not accept any additional documents until the reviews are complete.
If the reviews are approved, the County admin team will verify that the system has brought in the correct fees. You will then receive an email indicating the fees that are owing.
Note: You can follow along with your application status through the Portal. When you log in, click on My Items and open up the permit application. Under the Reviews tab, you will see the status of each review. If a review has failed, you will see the corrections noted prior to receiving the deficiency notice. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step Six: Fees
Fees are collected by both the Town and Dufferin County. Please review the information below for more details, including payment methods.
Paid via CityView Portal:
- County Permit Fees. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
- Town Municipal Approval Fee. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
Paid Directly to Town of Mono:
- Public Works Entrance Permit and/or Road Occupancy Permit. Payable by debit, credit, or cheque at the Town of Mono.
- Grading Review Fee. Pay online or by debit, credit, or cheque at Town of Mono
- Town Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to the Town of Mono.
Paid Directly to Dufferin County:
- County Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
- Education Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
Step Seven: Permit Issuance
Once the reviews are approved and the fees are paid, the County admin team will issue your permit. You can then print your permit job card and approved drawings from the Portal.
Note: Printed copies of the approved drawings are required onsite throughout the construction project as per the Ontario Building Code. If the printed approved plans are not available onsite during an inspection, the inspection will be given a “failed” outcome and will need to be rescheduled. Click here for Portal guidance.
We are here to help! Should you have questions at any time during this process, please reach out to the appropriate party:
Zoning or Municipal Approval Review questions? Contact the Town of Mono at 519-941-3599 ext. 224 or email
Building Code or CityView Portal questions? Contact Dufferin County at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or
Application Status questions? Please first check your Poral account to see which reviews are still pending – this will indicate whether you need to contact the Town or Dufferin County. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step One: Zoning Information and Applicable Law
Visit the Township Planning Map to determine the zoning information for your property or contact the Township at 705-466-3341 or email
Consult the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to determine permitted uses, setbacks, and lot coverage information.
If the property is regulated by a Conservation Authority and/or the Niagara Escarpment Commission, either an approval or exemption is required for your project prior to receiving a building permit. Contact information is listed below.
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Phone: 705-424-1479
Phone: 519-371-1001
Step Two: Building Permit Requirements
The applicable requirements will vary based on the type of project being proposed. Please review the County checklists to ensure you are putting a complete application package together.
Step Three: Register for a CityView Portal Account
Please visit the CityView Portal to register for an account. Once registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this email to come through and check your junk folder if you don’t see it. The CityView Portal will allow you to upload your documents, submit your application, follow up on the progress, pay fees, and retrieve your permit documents.
Step Four: Apply for a Permit Through CityView
Upload all documents required for your building permit application based on the County’s checklists noted in Step Two. Include the following for the Township review when applicable:
- Public Works Entrance/Road Occupancy Permit Application. Please note that if your property is located on a County Road, you will need to apply for these permits through Dufferin County.
The site plan should include:
- North arrow and address
- Property lines and distances to existing and proposed structures
- Dimensions, including height, and location of all existing and proposed structures
- Location of existing and proposed entrance/driveway/roadways
- Location of all existing and proposed utilities, including septic location
- Location of all existing and proposed landscape elements
Note: Incomplete permit applications will not be reviewed. An Incomplete Application Notice outlining missing details will be emailed to the applicant. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please contact the Township or County prior to making your submission.
Step Five: Application Review
Both the Township and the County will review your application. The Township will ensure the proposed project complies with their Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The County is looking to ensure that the proposed construction meets the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code.
If there are details missing, you will receive a deficiency notice outlining additional requirements once all reviews are complete. Users will not be able to upload corrected information until all reviews are complete and the deficiency letter is sent (application status will change to Returned for Correction). Users are encouraged to wait until they have all required documentation prior to re-submitting. Once new items are submitted, the system enter back into the review cycle and will not accept any additional documents until the reviews are complete.
If the reviews are approved, the County admin team will verify that the system has brought in the correct fees. You will then receive an email indicating the fees that are owing.
Note: You can follow along with your application status through the Portal. When you log in, click on My Items and open up the permit application. Under the Reviews tab, you will see the status of each review. If a review has failed, you will see the corrections noted prior to receiving the deficiency notice. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step Six: Fees
Fees are collected by both the Township and Dufferin County. Please review the information below for more details, including payment methods.
Paid via CityView Portal:
- County Permit Fees. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
- Township Municipal Approval fee of $150. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
Paid Directly to Township of Amaranth:
- Public Works Entrance Permit and/or Road Occupancy Permit. Payment must be made via online banking or cheque payable to the Township of Mulmur.
- Township Development Charges. Payment must be made via online banking or cheque payable to the Township of Mulmur.
Paid Directly to Dufferin County:
- County Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
- Education Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
Step Seven: Permit Issuance
Once the reviews are approved and the fees are paid, the County admin team will issue your permit. You can then print your permit job card and approved drawings from the Portal.
Note: Printed copies of the approved drawings are required onsite throughout the construction project as per the Ontario Building Code. If the printed approved plans are not available onsite during an inspection, the inspection will be given a “failed” outcome and will need to be rescheduled. Click here for Portal guidance.
We are here to help! Should you have questions at any time during this process, please reach out to the appropriate party:
Zoning or Municipal Approval Review questions? Contact the Township of Mulmur at 705-466-3341 or
Building Code or CityView Portal questions? Contact Dufferin County at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or
Application Status questions? Please first check your Poral account to see which reviews are still pending – this will indicate whether you need to contact the Township or Dufferin County. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step One: Zoning Information and Applicable Law
Review pages 177 – 187 of the Town Zoning By-law to determine the zoning information for your property or contact the Town at 519-925-2600 ext. 252 or
Consult the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to determine permitted uses, setbacks, and lot coverage information.
If the property is regulated by a Conservation Authority and/or the Niagara Escarpment Commission, either an approval or exemption is required for your project prior to receiving a building permit. Contact information is listed below.
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Phone: 705-424-1479
Step Two: Building Permit Requirements
The applicable requirements will vary based on the type of project being proposed. Please review the County checklists to ensure you are putting a complete application package together.
Step Three: Register for a CityView Portal Account
Please visit the CityView Portal to register for an account. Once registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this email to come through and check your junk folder if you don’t see it. The CityView Portal will allow you to upload your documents, submit your application, follow up on the progress, pay fees, and retrieve your permit documents.
Step Four: Apply for a Permit Through CityView
Upload all documents required for your building permit application based on the County’s checklists noted in Step Two. Include the following for the Town review when applicable:
The site plan should include:
- North arrow and address
- Property lines and distances to existing and proposed structures
- Dimensions, including height, and location of all existing and proposed structures
- Location of existing and proposed entrance/driveway/roadways
- Location of all existing and proposed utilities, including septic location
- Location of all existing and proposed landscape elements
Note: Incomplete permit applications will not be reviewed. An Incomplete Application Notice outlining missing details will be emailed to the applicant. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please contact the Town or County prior to making your submission.
Step Five: Application Review
Both the Town and the County will review your application. The Town will ensure the proposed project complies with their Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The County is looking to ensure that the proposed construction meets the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code.
If there are details missing, you will receive a deficiency notice outlining additional requirements once all reviews are complete. Users will not be able to upload corrected information until all reviews are complete and the deficiency letter is sent (application status will change to Returned for Correction). Users are encouraged to wait until they have all required documentation prior to re-submitting. Once new items are submitted, the system enter back into the review cycle and will not accept any additional documents until the reviews are complete.
If the reviews are approved, the County admin team will verify that the system has brought in the correct fees. You will then receive an email indicating the fees that are owing.
Note: You can follow along with your application status through the Portal. When you log in, click on My Items and open up the permit application. Under the Reviews tab, you will see the status of each review. If a review has failed, you will see the corrections noted prior to receiving the deficiency notice. Click here for Portal guidance.
Step Six: Fees
Fees are collected by both the Town and Dufferin County. Please review the information below for more details, including payment methods.
Paid via CityView Portal:
- County Permit Fees. The Portal accepts either VISA or MasterCard.
- Town Municipal Approval fee of $125. Cash or cheque made payable to the Town of Shelburne
Paid Directly to Township of Amaranth:
- Public Works Entrance Permit and/or Road Occupancy Permit. Payable at the Town Office.
- Town Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to the Town of Shelburne.
Paid Directly to Dufferin County:
- County Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
- Education Development Charges. Payment must be made by cheque payable to Dufferin County.
Step Seven: Permit Issuance
Once the reviews are approved and the fees are paid, the County admin team will issue your permit. You can then print your permit job card and approved drawings from the Portal.
Note: Printed copies of the approved drawings are required onsite throughout the construction project as per the Ontario Building Code. If the printed approved plans are not available onsite during an inspection, the inspection will be given a “failed” outcome and will need to be rescheduled. Click here for Portal guidance.
We are here to help! Should you have questions at any time during this process, please reach out to the appropriate party:
Zoning or Municipal Approval Review questions? Contact the Town of Shelburne at 519-925-2600 or
Building Code or CityView Portal questions? Contact Dufferin County at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or
Application Status questions? Please first check your Poral account to see which reviews are still pending – this will indicate whether you need to contact the Township or Dufferin County. Click here for Portal guidance.
Permit Application Checklists
These checklists are provided only as a reference for your convenience. Not all documents listed below will be required for every project. Similarly, additional documentation may be required depending on the nature of your project. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit all applicable documentation as part of their application package. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Hurricane Clip Rebate Program
In partnership with the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, Dufferin County is offering a rebate incentive to property owners or builders in Amaranth, East Garafraxa, Grand Valley, Melancthon, Mono, Mulmur and Shelburne who install hurricane clips during construction on all new buildings, additions, or renovations.

Hurricane clips, straps, or ties are small pieces of metal that have been engineered to bind the roof rafters or trusses to the top plate of the wall, effectively ensuring that the roof and wall are securely fastened.
These small pieces of metal, widely used in the United States, are a low-cost system that can prevent and reduce the damage caused by roof structures being torn from buildings and becoming airborne debris during severe storms such as downbursts, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
Severe storms causing strong winds can have a devastating effect on a building. Research shows that violent winds blowing over peaked roofs act like air flowing over the curved wings of an airplane – exerting an upward lift on the structure.
The walls hold a structure’s roof up. During a windstorm, we need to ensure the walls will hold the roof down. Hurricane clips cost about $1 each and are installed at each connection between the roof rafters or trusses and the top of the wall.
This rebate program will provide you with $4.50 for each installed and inspected hurricane clip used to secure the roof rafters or trusses to the top plate of the wall on your new construction project.
During the framing inspection, the building official will record the number of eligible hurricane clips installed. Once the permit is completed, Dufferin County will forward a cheque for the appropriate dollar amount to the property owner (maximum 75% of the permit fee).
Note: If hurricane clips are a requirement in the roof design, they do not qualify for this rebate.